RAK2247 LoRaGateway

This service is used to configure and manage the RAK2247 LoRaGateway.

The RAK2247 LoRaGateway can be installed on the "Services" tab within the DINGO-Manager. The service can also be installed from a SSH terminal with this command: sudo sh -c "$(curl -s http://apps.control2net.com/apt/install-rak-lora-gateway)"

The RAK2247 LoRaGateway is a packet forwarder that will communicate with a LoRa-concentrator and forward the LoRa-packets to a LoRaWAN server. The RAK2247 LoRaGateway is used together with the RAK2247-concentrator.

The RAK2247 packet forwarder was specifiably created for the RAK2247-concentrator. If a different packet forwarder is needed for another RAK-concentrator, then visit the official page below and follow the instructions.


To configure the packet forwarder; select the appropriate service and click the "Main config. file..." button. See screenshot.

Amongst the configuration items are:

  • gateway_ID, a unique identifier of this gateway.

  • server_address, where the packets should be forwarded to e,g, IP address, localhost etc. Setting the server address to the network adapter name (eth0, eth1 etc.) will make the packet forwarder use the IP on that network adapter.


Note: When using the packet forwarder, together with the DINGO LoRaWAN Server on the same machine, it is important to set the server_address to the exact same IP as defined in host in the DINGO LoRaWAN Server configuration. E.g.
Remember: When the configuration is done, select the appropriate service and click the "Stop" button. When stopped, then click the "Start" button, so that the configurations can take effect. Using the "Restart" button has shown NOT to work as expected - resources seem to be suspended.
Tip: If there are DNS problems, resolving hostnames on the local network to IP address, then try appending .local to the hostname. This uses the multicast DNS, which is supported on Raspbian systems.

Set unique gateway ID

It is important that the gateway_ID is unique. There is a command that can be run, that will generate a unique ID.

  1. To run this command, start by selecting the appropriate service and click the "Log..." button.
  2. Then use this command as log-command: cd /opt/ttn-gateway/packet_forwarder/lora_pkt_fwd/ && ./update_gwid.sh /opt/ttn-gateway/packet_forwarder/lora_pkt_fwd/local_conf.json
  3. And click the "Load" button. The command should now be executed.


Link to the official page: https://github.com/RAKWireless/rak_common_for_gateway